

Isabella is the name (Name sign I on left shoulder) but I go by Izzy almost everywhere. Born hearing and raised by two wonderful Deaf parents in the heart of America. I am therefore a CODA (Child Of Deaf Adult).

Growing up I didn’t have a gorgeous mountain to hike or a beautiful beach to surf only a yellow brick road to walk. Nevertheless, being outside was something I found myself constantly doing. Whether it involved playing hide and seek till bedtime, to rollerblading all over town, to trail running…Outside. Period. Is my happy place.

On April 1st, 2017 I thru hiked the Appalachian Trail. The trail is 2,190 miles long starting in Georgia and ending in Maine. It took me 150 days and I recorded every day of my adventure in the Appalachian Trail Tab!

From 2018-2020 I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ethiopia. The Peace Corps is all about promoting world peace and friendship in third world countries. My main focus was on community health where I worked with mothers, their babies, and kids at school. More importantly however, I formed bonds with people who will forever be in my heart. This was by far, the most life changing adventure I have been on yet. You can find more blogs in the Peace Corps tab!

My newest adventure will be me attempting to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail. This trail is 2,650 miles long going through California, Oregon, and Washington. I am looking forward to keeping everyone updated on this as often as I can!

If you are curious as to who the heck “Ozzy” is, since I only mentioned myself here…Ozzy is my ULA Ohm 2.0  (Previously my Osprey Aura backpack, he got a makeover). I have a strange knack for naming objects and acting like they have their own personality. (I have problems, I already know) Blanche, is my Hyundai Accent. Santiago, was my black Suzuki Boulevard and Sebastian is my wise coffee mug, just to name a few. Ozzy has been on a few adventures with me and I am pleased to continue my treks with him. 🙂

Much Love,

Iz and Oz